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Category: participants

Gitoyen - AS 20766 - joined the RING today.

Gitoyen is a not for profit network operator and LIR mainly based in Paris, France. Our goal is to enable an acentric and neutral Internet, notably by facilitating the emergence and existence of small network operators. We are member of FFDN (the federation of non for profit French ISP ). Currently multihomed behind Ielo (AS29075), Tata Communications (AS6453) and Absolight (AS29608). We are aslo available on FranceIX, SFINX, AMS-IX, Equinix Paris and DE-CIX Frankfurt. For more info see our peeringdb page:

Users can connect to, which is located in France.

IT.Gate S.p.A. (IT) joined the RING

IT.Gate is an Internet Service Provider based in Turin - Italy offering datacenter colocation, managed hosting, cloud services and high speed internet access.

Users can connect to, which is located in Italy.

BellMTS DataCentres (CA) joined the RING

BellMTS DataCentres - AS 394255 - joined the RING today.

BellMTS Data Centres is Manitoba, Canada’s only Tier III Design Certified purpose built datacentre. Offering a suite of colocation, managed hosting, and cloud services.

Users can connect to, which is located in Canada.

Pierre Emeriaud (FR) joined the RING

Pierre Emeriaud - AS 206155 - joined the RING today.

Pierre Emeriaud is a technology enthusiast, network engineer by trade and bgp lover. Bits flows in his veins, although he’s still very much analog-native on quite a few topics. He became one with Internet to upgrade his mind^wonline presence and set up as206155.

Users can connect to, which is located in France.

Joey-Network (DE) joined the RING

Joey-Network - AS 49697 - joined the RING today.

Joey-Network is a research and non-profit project targeting to understand and explore the magic of the internet. We are a group of german students and trainees who have build an own network for learning.

Users can connect to, which is located in Germany.

Automattic (ZA) joined the RING

Automattic - AS 2635 - joined the RING today.

We are the people behind, WooCommerce, Jetpack, Simplenote, Longreads, VaultPress, Akismet, Gravatar, Polldaddy, Cloudup, and more. We believe in making the web a better place. We’re a distributed company with 628 Automatticians in 57 countries speaking 79 different languages. Our common goal is to democratize publishing so that anyone with a story can tell it, regardless of income, gender, politics, language, or where they live in the world. We believe in Open Source and the vast majority of our work is available under the GPL.

Users can connect to, which is located in South Africa.

ELASTX (SE) joined the RING

ELASTX - AS 48579 - joined the RING today.

ELASTX is a Public cloud provider based in Sweden. We love sustainable IT and deliver truly automated cloud services via our own platforms OpenStack [IaaS] and Jelastic [PaaS]. Our CloudOps Engineers also help businesses automate the entire process from code to production. Automated and sustainable IT operations, with no lock-in and Swedish 24x7 support.

Users can connect to, which is located in Sweden.

QuxLabs UG (SE) joined the RING

QuxLabs UG - AS 203038 - joined the RING today.

QuxLabs is a small Consulting and IT-Services company based in Berlin, Germany specializing in the emerging technology of hyper-converged cloud solutions.

Users can connect to, which is located in Sweden.

retarus GmbH (DE) joined the RING

retarus GmbH - AS 48328 - joined the RING today.

As a global information logistics provider, Retarus ensures that communication around the world functions quickly and securely at all times. An efficient flow of information is a prerequisite for reliable business processes - whether its from person to person, between companies or automated by means of applications and machines. With powerful IT infrastructure and its own data centers in Europe, the USA and the APAC region, Retarus stands for dependable delivery, transparency and compliance. A total of 75 percent of the DAX 30 corporations, half of all EURO STOXX 50 companies and 17 percent of Dow Jones enterprises rely on Retarus services. Longstanding customers include Adidas, Bayer, Continental, DHL, DZ Bank, Honda, Linde, Osram, Puma, Sixt, Sony and Thomas Cook amongst many others.

Users can connect to, which is located in Germany.

Com Hem AB (SE) joined the RING

Com Hem AB - AS 39651 - joined the RING today.

Com Hem delivers TV, telephony and high-speed internet access to Swedish homes and businesses. We are one of Sweden’s leading suppliers with over 2 million households connected, enabling us to offer our range of digital services to 40% of Swedish households. Com Hem was established in 1983 and have approximately 1,200 employees with our head office located in Stockholm.

Users can connect to, which is located in Sweden.